From Vienna to Weimar featuring The Artis Quartet of Vienna

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From Vienna to Weimar featuring The Artis Quartet of Vienna

  • Fri 29 Jan 2010
  • 7:30PM

The Artis Quartet, Peter Schuhmayer (violin), Johannes Meissl (violin), Herbert Kefer (viola), and Othmar Müller (cello), was founded in 1980 and has since performed all over the world. This concert forms part of a 4-day festival From Vienna to Weimar at London’s Kings Place which focuses on music and film of the inter-war years. Other events include a Lieder recital, a chamber recital, an orchestral programme and a Cabaret concert.

Photo: Lukas Beck

Kings Place

90 York Way
London N1 9AG


T +44 (0)20 7841 4860