Theresienstadt-Terezin 1941-1945

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Theresienstadt-Terezin 1941-1945 – The Nash Ensemble featuring Wolfgang Holzmair

  • Sun 20 Jun 2010

The name Theresienstadt - or Terezin to give it its Czech name - has become synonymous with the greatest propaganda lie in the Nazi's reign of terror.  Virtually the whole of the Jewish cultural elite was forced to live in the concentration camp located 60km from Prague.  The Nazis used the camp as a showcase, allowing inmates to stage a whole range of entertainments, including plays, concerts, operas, cabaret and cafe concerts, for the entertainment of visitors who even included the International Red Cross.  In reality the prisoners were being starved, which, combined with hard labour, meant a daily struggle for survivle.  There could be no greater contrast between this and the extraordinarily varied and creative work produced by the camp inmates.

The Nash Ensemble weekend seeks to offer a reminder of these struggles through the presentation of films and talks (which include conversations with camp survivors), a children's art exhibition, and the performance of works by composers whose exceptional talent was so cruelly cut short.  Untimately the ensemble celebrates the triumph of the human spirit over adversity and intolerance.

They present a concert featuring Wolfgang Holzmair baritone, Ian Brown piano and Lionel Friend conductor. The programme includes works by Smetana, Krasa, Ullmann, Suk, Schulhoff and Haas.

For more information visit

Wolfgang Holzmair

Wigmore Hall

36 Wigmore Street London W1U 2BP


T +44 (0)20 7935 2141

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