Tamara Friebl & Gobi Drab: a body of one’s own | schismogenesis

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Tamara Friebl & Gobi Drab: a body of one’s own | schismogenesis

  • Sun 28 Apr 2013
  • 11:30AM

In a body of one’s own composer Tamara Friebl (live electronics) and Gobi Drab (Paetzold Contrabass Recorder) explore the usually hidden physical soundscape and mental state of Gobi’s body and psyche. Through amplifying her effects as delayed schizophonia, Tamara diffuses and distorts Gobi’s noises “live” through the SARC Sonic Lab. These additional layers, scattered around the room and disconnected from Gobi as a sound source, display all the small noises that musicians usually try to minimize. What does Gobi’s heartbeat sound like under performance conditions, how do her amplified breath and the sounds of her mouth add to the performance as a soundscape?

Imported 1813

Sonic Lab, Queen's University Belfast

University Road
Belfast BT7 1NN

