On the occasion of the Austrian chairman-ship of the Central European Initiative (CEI) this symposium brings together academics and former political decision makers to analyse and discuss the fundamental changes in Central Europe since the fall of the Iron Curtain 25 years ago with a particular focus on the role of the CEI in renewing regional cooperation in an area. A keynote lecture will be given by the Austrian journalist Paul Lendvai.
14:00 Welcome
Professor Slavo Radošević (Acting Director, SSEES)
Dr Emil Brix (Ambassador of the Republic of Austria)
Featured speakers
Moderator: Michael Žantovský (Ambassador of the Czech Republic)
Professor Paul Lendvai
(Austrian Broadcasting Corporation ORF; Co-Publisher “Europäische Rundschau”):The past 25 years viewed through the prism of European and regional history
Professor Zoran Milutinović
(Professor of South Slav Literature and Modern Literary Theory, SSEES-UCL):
The Balkans in the European Mirror
Professor Florian Bieber
(Professor of Southeastern Europe and Director of the Centre for South East European Studies at the University of Graz): The Crisis of Democracy in Central and Southeastern Europe
17:10 – 17:30: Coffee
17:30 – 19:00: Round Table: ‘Perspectives for Regional Cooperation’
Gianni De Michelis (former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Italy)
Mihai Răzvan Ungureanu (former Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Romania)
Dimitrij Rupel (former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Slovenia)
Olaf Osica (Director of OSW, Centre for Eastern Studies, University of Warsaw)
Chair: Eric Gordy (SSEES-UCL)
19:00: Closing remarks by Giovanni Caracciolo di Vietri (Ambassador, Secretary General of the CEI)
Please RSVP via eventbrite: http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/25-years-of-the-central-european-initiative-tickets-10530548153
Venue: Denys Holland Lecture Theatre (UCL Faculty of Laws), Bentham House, Endsleigh Gardens, WC1H 0EG London