
Ticket quantity

You can book a maximum of two tickets per event. If you require more tickets or would like to make a group booking, please contact

Soundings – Open Engagement

  • 8 May 2012 — 11 May 2012

Two evening concerts

Wednesday 9 May, 7pm
Thursday 10 May, 7pm

Panel discussion

Thursday 10 May, 5pm

Soundings is a unique platform for contemporary music presenting and profiling young composers and musicians from the UK and Austria in workshops, discussions and concerts. Now into its 9th year, Soundings is a key event in the UK’s music calendar, offering a rare opportunity to meet some of today’s leading composers, watch them at work and hear the latest compositions, performed by some of the finest young musicians of today.

This year’s Soundings brings together six new faces: Austrian composers Johannes Berauer, Manuela Kerer and Thomas Wally and UK representatives Charlotte Bray, Gavin Higgins and Luke Styles. Their works will be rehearsed in workshops open to the public and performed in two evening concerts by musicians including the renowned Fidelio Trio (Darragh Morgan, violin; Robin Michael, cello; Mary Dullea, piano and curator), soprano Rhona McKail, Austrian clarinettist, Sabine Zwick and Austrian flautist Thomas Frey.

A new initiative, Soundings Academy for young performers, will give young performers an opportunity to participate in the platform, observe at close hand and also to collaborate with the composers and musicians.

You are cordially invited you to take part in the Soundings Academy for young performers and benefit from this week working intensively with renowned composers and musicians. We are looking for talented individuals – exceptional young artists - who are either in their final years of post-graduate study or have already just embarked on their careers, and who passionately  think about contemporary music.

To apply please send a detailed letter (1 to 2 pages) explaining your background, interests, experiences and motivation to  You may also add your CV.

An expert panel will review all applications by the end of April.

More information will be available at

Short film:

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Austrian Cultural Forum London

28 Rutland Gate
London SW7 1PQ


T 020 7225 7300

F 020 7225 7300