Soundings: Inspired by Mahler

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Soundings: Inspired by Mahler – Concert II

  • Thu 13 May 2010
  • 7:00PM

Soundings, the ACF’s platform for contemporary music, presents a special tribute to Mahler on the 150th anniversary of his birth.  In this second concert the composers will present their works, some of which have been especially composed for this symposium. 


Ian Vine - Over 5000 individual works (solo piano)
Robert Fokkens - New work (piano trio)
Emily Howard - Cloud Chamber (clarinet & piano)
Stephan Maria Karl - Sonata B-A-C-H: Elegie and Toccata (solo cello)
Elisabeth Harnick - Improvisation (voice, piano, flute)
Gerhard Krammer - New Work (clarinet, violin, cello & piano)

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Austrian Cultural Forum London

28 Rutland Gate
London SW7 1PQ


T 020 7225 7300

F 020 7225 7300