The Royal Academy of Music's Song Circle: Italienisches Liederbuch

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The Royal Academy of Music's Song Circle: Italienisches Liederbuch

  • Wed 12 Oct 2011
  • 7:30PM

The Royal Academy of Music's Song Circle will give a complete performance of Hugo Wolf's Italienisches Liederbuch at the Royal Academy of Music on Wednesday 12 October 2011 at 7.30.  Box Office: 020 7873 7300.

Ruth Jenkins and Nathalie Chalkley (soprano)
Johnny Herford and Gareth John (baritone)
Matthew Fletcher and Edwige Herchenroder (piano)

A wonderful opportunity to hear very talented young artists perform these extraordinary songs. Almost all the poems (translations by Paul Heyse of anonymous Italian poems) set by Wolf concern the lover and his sweetheart, and they chart, against a Tuscan landscape of Orvieto, Siena and the Arno, the everyday squabbles, tiffs, jealousies, flirtations, machinations, frivolities, joys and despair of young men and women in love.

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Royal Academy of Music

Marylebone Road
London NW1 5HT


T +44 (0)20 7873 7373