The European project Beyond Front@: Bridging New Territories comes to Greenwich Dance with an evening of contemporary dance, film, visual art and spoken word.
The on-going project brings together dance artists and choreographers from the UK and Eastern Europe. This latest phase presents In Reference To The Robbers Cave, a contemporary dance performance created by UK choreographer Robert Clark in collaboration with dance artists from Austria, Croatia, Hungary, Slovenia and the UK. The piece is set to an original score by Austrian electronic musician Ulrich Troyer with lighting design from Hungarian designer Gabi Banki.
Choreographer Robert Clark, a Resident Artist at Greenwich Dance said: “The process for this creation began a year ago, since when five dancers have met at intervals to spend a week in each other’s company in each of the partner countries. During these weeks they have danced, improvised, performed and lived together - communicating and exchanging values, thoughts, aesthetics and context.”
Beyond Front@ is a European dance network project supported by the Culture Programme of EU and delivered by a partnership of Flota (Slovenia), D.ID Dance Identity (Austria), Greenwich Dance (UK), Hrvatski institut za pokret iples (Croatia), Pro Progressione (Hungary) and OffenesHausOberwart (Austria).
For further information visit