Dr Emil Brix, Ambassador of the Republic of Austria to the United Kingdom, London
Prof Richard Rose, Director, Centre for the Study of Public Policy, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow
Dr Gregor Woschnagg, former Permanent Representative of Austria to the European Union, Brussels
Today’s globalised world is dominated by big and powerful actors, old and new: the United States of America, China, India, Japan, Russia, Brazil, South Africa – as well as the European Union (EU). Even the biggest member states of the EU like Germany, France and the United Kingdom find this environment challenging and they often have to rely on the political weight and influence of the EU to make an impact on global issues.
Throughout history, small states had to act very thoughtfully and carefully, always anxious for not upsetting one of the big players. The EU (and its former incarnation the European Communities) changed the equation and provides since its foundation small states with a strong framework to make their voices heard and gives them the tools to defend their national interests – or is this just an illusion? The global financial and economic crisis strengthened intergovernmental procedures in the EU and consequently the position of the big member states. Observers often have the impression that everybody is just waiting for Germany (and France) to make up their mind, other actors are expected to fall in line and raise no objections.
Where does this development leave small states in Europe? Which role can they play in today’s fast changing and demanding environment? Which approach can secure their influence and equal participation? And which success stories of small states in Europe can be told?
We very much hope to welcome you to this event. Places are limited, and will be allocated on a first come first served basis. Please confirm your participation as soon as possible by email to bettina.kadoch@bmeia.gv.at. As a lunchtime seminar, light refreshments will be served.
Professor Rose is currently conducting a major research project on Small States in the EU funded by the Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos, Lisbon, following on from his book on “REPRESENTING EUROPEANS; A PRAGMATIC APPROACH”, Oxford UP
AUSTRIAN EMBASSY - PRO EUROPE Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise stated.
PRO EUROPE is an initiative of the Austrian Embassy in London for discussing European affairs. Its mission is to provide an informal platform for connecting international scholarly and political expertise on European issues, which are relevant for the UK and other European countries, and to discuss international perspectives through scholarship and engagement with practitioners and decision-makers on why governments should be assertive about Europe.
“No European state in the 21st century can lastingly and successfully advocate its interests in the world alone. The major challenges of our modern societies know no borders.” (Michael Spindelegger, Austrian Foreign Minister)