Austrian academic Kim Leutgeb presents a workshop followed by a reading and performance by Julia Engelmann at the University of Oxford.
Poetry Workshop with Julia Engelmann and Kim Leutgeb
7 and 8 February, 3-6pm, Louey Sem Rm, Dickson Poon Building, St Hugh’s College
In this workshop, poetry slam artist Julia Engelmann and young Austrian academic and German instructor Kim Leutgeb, will offer advice on writing and performing multi-lingual poetry. She will give insights into her own writing process while participants will be able to develop their own text and perform it at the end of the course. The workshop will be held in German. Sign up via email to: (places are limited, early sign-up strongly advised)
Reading and Performance by Julia Engelmann
8 February, 6.45pm, Shulman Auditorium, The Queen’s College
Everybody is welcome.
Julia Engelmann, acclaimed German writer and poetry slam artist, became known to a wider public through a youtube video of one of her performances at the Bielefelder Hörsaal-Slam 2013 that has just exceeded 10 million views last week. She will be reading from her latest book ‘Jetzt, Baby’. (Bielefelder Hörsaal-Slam 2013)
Kim Leutgeb is a graduate student in German at the University of Vienna, working towards a thesis on slam poetry in language teaching.
Events are sponsored by the University of Oxford’s Faculty of Modern Languages, Oxford German Society, the Austrian Cultural Forum and the Ingeborg Bachmann Centre..