Ticket quantity

You can book a maximum of two tickets per event. If you require more tickets or would like to make a group booking, please contact


  • 19 Sep 2024 — 20 Sep 2024

A Micro-Conference and talks evening, a Sussex Weald projects tour and a Design & Make workshop hosted by Fourth Door Research

Evening talks: 19.15 – 21.15 Thursday, 19th September
Morning symposium: 9.00 – 12.30 Friday, 20th September
Afternoon coach tour: 13.30 – 18.15 Friday, 20th September
Collaborative Collisions – Design & Make Workshop Wed/Thurs 18/19th September


This year’s Pioneering the Potential+ encompasses wood and timber culture across contemporary architecture, engineering, and materials through to art, design and craft.

And there’s the + – Bio and Land based materials: Straw from Paris, earth tiles from Vorarlberg, Austria and chalk buildings from Sussex and Kent.

19th September evening – 19.30 – 21.15, Studio Hardie, workshop Unit 4, Phoenix Works, Lewes, BN7 2PE, East Sussex, map here.
Tickets and booking

With Neil Sutherland, Makar, and (by Zoom) Soren Linhart, Seiler-Linhart Arkitekten (Switzerland), Tom and Polly Bedford UK Hardwoods, and Robin Nicholson, Buckland Timber + Bartlett students and tutors on their Collaborative Collisions design & make workshop.
For details see here

20th September – Morning micro-conference – 9.15 – 12.45 Friday Lewes Depot, Pinwell Lane, Lewes  BN7 2JS map here followed by lunch 12.30 to 13.30pm.
Tickets and booking

9.15 – 12.45 – Fergus Feilden, FeildenFowles Architects, Charlotte Picard/Yannig Robert Rosny-Sous-Prefecture, Paris (France), Kate Davies & Emannual Vercruysse, Hooke Park, Sebastian Rauch, Karak, Elpida Hadzi-Vasileva, and further speakers.
For details see here

Pioneering the Potential 2024 is the fifth year of Fourth Door’s Pioneering the Potential events, first initiated in 2019 to highlight and draw attention to regional Weald & Downland wood, timber and natural materials cultures.

Fourth Door – is a media, communications, events, and research platform, generally working in collaboration with a variety of partners. In addition, Fourth Door Research provides one-off consultancy and research.

Annular – Pioneering the Potential is supported by Annular, Fourth Door’s wood and timber culture web-portal


The Kung Holzbau office building by Seilerlinhart Arkitekten