Phonofemme London

Ticket quantity

You can book a maximum of two tickets per event. If you require more tickets or would like to make a group booking, please contact

Phonofemme London

  • Sun 19 Jun 2011

In cooperation with Mopomoso Festival

Phonofemme is a music platform which promotes the Austrian and international sound art scene. It offers artists and musicians from the UK and Austria an opportunity to work together and to collaborate artistically on a variety of sound art and music projects. This London concert at Café Oto presents Trio Blurb featuring Austrian violinist Mia Zabelka, British vocalist Maggie Nichols and British guitarist John Russell. Mia Zabelka is a violin adventurist intent on expanding the capabilities, sound, scope, performance and experience of the instrument to levels never before attempted, seen or heard.

Mia Zabelka Trio

Cafe Oto

18 – 22 Ashwin Street
London E8 3DL