oh wow - eat | POLITICS | art

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oh wow - eat | POLITICS | art – honey & bunny

  • 18 Jun 2020 — 18 Jun 2021

With our focus being on sustainability, the Austrian duo honey & bunny presents a critical examination around the subject of food. By focusing on food, the duo is addressing objects, rituals and traditions of our daily intake of food and how it affects our planet. The video is a critical analysis and invites us to see and understand sustainability as a cultural narrative.

Sonja Stummerer and Martin Hablesreiter studied both architecture in Vienna, London, and Barcelona. After graduation they worked for a year as architects in Tokyo, Japan, before founding the interdisciplinary architecture studio honey & bunny in Vienna in 2003. They have realized several building projects in Vienna, directed a movie “food design – der Film”, curated the exhibitions “food design” at the MuseumsQuartier Wien, “food design humanity” at Lodz/ PL, and participated as designers and eat art artists in numerous international solo and group exhibitions, among others in London, Zürich, Vienna, Salzburg, Milan, Amsterdam, Gwangju, Hanover. Since 2011 they perform about sustainability, cleaning and eating like in Milan, Paris and Salzburg.
Last year they participated in the V&A exhibition Food: Bigger than the Plate.


(c) Daisuke Akita