Vienna Mozart Trio – 20th Anniversary Concert

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Vienna Mozart Trio – 20th Anniversary Concert

  • Tue 15 Feb 2011
  • 7:00PM

The Vienna Mozart Trio (Irina Auner, piano, Daniel Auner, violin and Diethard Auner, cello) has established itself as one of the most versatile and exciting chamber ensembles. They have performed in some of the most renowned concert halls such as the Sala Verdi in Milan, the Wigmore Hall in London and the Musées Royaux des Beaux Arts de Belgique in Brussels to name a few. The musicians consider it as their vocation to convey music as a spontaneous and original experience. As a result, they have made a wide audience familiar with epochs and styles ranging from the great Viennese classics – with W.A. Mozart as one of the earliest composers of the musical genre of the piano trio – to the present day.

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