"Momentum Huddersfield"

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"Momentum Huddersfield"

  • Thu 4 Aug 2011
  • 8:00PM

audiovisual realtime transformation for bass recorder, saxophone & clarinet
by Se-Lien Chuang & Andreas Weixler.

Improvised instrumental music and audiovisual realtime processes interact and reciprocally influence each other in order to blend into a unique work of art of realtime composition. While visual images and processes interact with the music during the concert, a multichannel spectral delay generates a spatialisation of frequency oriented delays, pulses and feedbacks which sometimes sum up to a even reverberating ambience. Multichannel granular synthesis fits together minute tonal particles that make up the instrumental sounds into a constantly changing acoustic stream made up of different pitches, durations and positions in the electro-acoustic space. Our art work and research describes the hook-up between human and machine, between musical inspiration and digital concepts. Musical instruments act as interfaces for digital audio processing and enable human beings to communicate with digital technologies as well as to generate, receive and exchange data versus emotions.

"Momentum Huddersfield"  has been seleced in an international competition for concert presentation out of 854 work proposals at this year’s International Computer Music Conference, which will be held at the University of Huddersfield from 31st July-5th August.

Ann Evans - saxophone
Heather Roche - clarinet
Se-Lien Chuang - bass recorder - interactive visuals
Andreas Weixler - electronics

Imported 1421

St Paul's Hall

Huddersfield New College
Huddersfield HD3 4GL


T +44 (0)1484 422 288