Mahler Study Day with Terry Barfoot

Ticket quantity

You can book a maximum of two tickets per event. If you require more tickets or would like to make a group booking, please contact

Mahler Study Day with Terry Barfoot

  • Sun 14 Mar 2010
  • 11:00AM

Mahler Study Day with Terry Barfoot

  • Sun 14 Mar 2010
  • 11:00AM

The well-known musical author, lecturer and educator Terry Barfoot will lead a study day on Mahler's second 'Resurrection' Symphony. 

Booking: Tickets must be booked through the GMS UK

Gustav Mahler Society UK, 15 David Avenue, Wickford, Essex SS11 7BG; E;  T 07802 700626

Austrian Cultural Forum London

28 Rutland Gate
London SW7 1PQ


T 020 7225 7300

F 020 7225 7300