Mahler and his Circle

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Mahler and his Circle – Part III: ‘I am Lost to the World...’ 1907–1911

  • Tue 22 Jun 2010
  • 7:00PM

Marie Vassiliou (soprano)
Oliver Davies (piano)

The final programme will cover his last, despairing years in Vienna and the enforced departure for America, and also look at the influence Mahler had on the future – not only on composition but even on the Vienna State Opera, in that it remains, until today, one of the few repertory companies left in Europe modelled on the plan he created during his tenure. The controversy surrounding his successor, Felix Weingartner, and the inspiration Mahler provided to some of the younger composers of the time – Karl Weigl, Bruno Walter, Erich Wolfgang Korngold, Egon Wellesz – as well as the new Viennese School – will also be explored.

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