Mahler and his Circle

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Mahler and his Circle – Part II: Vienna - Triumph and Disillusion – 1904–1907

  • Tue 8 Jun 2010
  • 7:00PM

Günter Haumer (baritone)
Oliver Davies (piano)

Drawing on contemporaneous letters and diaries, this recital looks at the difficult relationship Mahler had with Vienna and its great musical institutions, its critics and its musical fraternity. In particular, the programme explores (with musical examples) his relationships with an astonishingly diverse group of composers all of whom lived in Vienna at that time, his passionate relationship with Alma and the suppression of her creative gift, and finally, his mentoring of young Schoenberg and his ongoing rivalry with Richard Strauss.

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Austrian Cultural Forum London

28 Rutland Gate
London SW7 1PQ


T 020 7225 7300

F 020 7225 7300