It is the aim of this conference to discuss the various aesthetic facets of the net using exemplary studies from the context of modern Austrian literature. 'Digital literature' is a relatively new area of research within Austrian Studies and offers interesting perspectives at literary production along the boundary between the terms offline and online, that is during the times before and after the introduction of computers and the internet (Bachleitner 2011). The advent of digital media has created new narrative forms, a fact that necessarily leads to questioning traditional processes of reception as well as the way these new technological possibilities have been creatively adapted by authors. The terms offline/online and linear/non-linear will hereby serve as a theoretical base for the discussion of ermergent narrative tendencies in Austrian literature.
Aleatoric principles have been used in experimental writing long before the Age of the computer. Especially avantgardist forms of art have always shown great affinity towards non-linear aesthetic practices and were therefore most apt to undergo a digital transformation. One important question that is up for discussion during this conference will be in how far the aesthetic potential of the "Netz der Netze" (Gendolla, Schäfer 2004), i.e. the World Wide Web, has influenced the poetic practice of Austrian writers so far. Consequently the event will not only deal with writing on the internet and hypertext- aesthetics but also with the question how the avantgardist tradition is being continued in digital literature in Austria today.
Papers can be submitted until 1 March 2012. Please visit the website for details.