Julya Rabinowich and Tess Lewis

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Julya Rabinowich and Tess Lewis – Encounters: Writers and Translators in Conversation

  • Tue 18 Sep 2018
  • 7:00PM

Julya Rabinowich  is one of the most prominent writers living and working in Austria today. Born in St. Petersburg, she moved to Vienna in 1977. Her work responds to the European refugee experience, but also engages intensively with the Austrian cultural heritage of the fin de siècle and beyond. She writes weekly columns addressing current issues for the Austrian newspaper Der Standard.

Tess Lewis has translated numerous books from the German and French, including Austrian authors Peter Handke, Alois Hotschnig, Doron Rabinovici, and Maja Haderlap’s Angel of Oblivion, for which she won the 2017 PEN Translation Prize.  Works by Julya Rabinowich she has translated include her debut novel Spaltkopf  [Splithead] for Portobello Books in 2011 and an excerpt from her 2012 novel Die Erdfresserin [The Earth Eater].

This event is sponsored by the Ingeborg Bachmann Centre for Austrian Literature and Culture at the IMLR

More about the series Encounters: Writers and Translators in Conversation



Julya Rabinowich, 2016 (c) Michael Mazohl

Austrian Cultural Forum London
28 Rutland Gate
London SW7 1PQ