Haydn The Seasons

Ticket quantity

You can book a maximum of two tickets per event. If you require more tickets or would like to make a group booking, please contact office@acflondon.org

Haydn The Seasons – performed by the Hertfordshire Chorus

  • Sat 12 Mar 2011
  • 7:30PM

Haydn: The Seasons

Haydn’s last great oratorio, The Seasons, is quite simply a masterpiece. It received its first performance in 1801, when Haydn was in his seventieth year and still at the height of his creative powers. The Seasons depicts the year-round story of country folk. The vocal writing is glorious, and the orchestra vividly brings to life the many moods of nature. Sadly the piece is not often performed, so this is a rare opportunity to hear it: a real treat for lovers of choral music, and not to be missed!  

The Chorus

Hertfordshire Chorus is one of the finest large choirs in England, with around 130 members. Under its Musical Director David Temple, the Chorus sings in some of the most prestigious venues in the UK, with recent appearances at Kings Place, Barbican Hall in London, The Sage Gateshead - and of course its regular Hertfordshire venues. The Chorus is well-known for its innovative programming (often involving its own commissions) and gives invitation concerts at home and abroad. Further details can be found on the chorus website at http://www.hertfordshirechorus.org.uk/

Tickets for the concert cost £25, £20, £15 for reserved, numbered seats in the Abbey nave and £7.50 for restricted view, unreserved seats in the side aisles.

T: 0870 458 0445
E: tickets@hertfordshirechorus.org.uk

The Hertfordshire Chorus

St Albans Cathedral

Holywell Hill
St Albans AL1 4BY