Hans Gál Anniversary Concert

Ticket quantity

You can book a maximum of two tickets per event. If you require more tickets or would like to make a group booking, please contact office@acflondon.org

Hans Gál Anniversary Concert

  • Thu 19 Apr 2012
  • 7:00PM

This concert performed by the Ensemble Hans Gál celebrates the life and music of the Austrian composer Hans Gál (1890–1987) whose highly creative and eventful life straddles most of the 20th century. A widely performed and successful composer in inter-war Austria and Germany, the ‘annexation’ of Austria to the Third Reich in 1938 drove him, like so many others, into uncertain exile in Britain. Following release from internment as an ‘enemy alien’ in 1940, he settled permanently in Edinburgh as a much-loved university teacher, performer and composer whose craftsmanship and musical aesthetic epitomise the richness of his European cultural heritage, yet his musical values remained rooted in the tonal Austro-German tradition.

Imported 1522

Austrian Cultural Forum London

28 Rutland Gate
London SW7 1PQ


T 020 7225 7300

F 020 7225 7300

E office@acflondon.org
