Gurbet - Away From Home

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Gurbet - Away From Home – Gurbet - In der Fremde

  • Tue 16 Mar 2010
  • 7:00PM

Part of the opening of the be longing exhibition by Deniz Soezen which investigates the concept of culture, subjectivity and the unresolved nature of belonging.

2004 marked the 40th anniversary of the so called "Anwerbeabkommen" - a recruitment agreement between Austria and Turkey - which brought many Turkish migrants to Austria to expand the country's workforce.

Against this background, the film tells the stories of nine of those so called "guest workers".  Never before have their achievements and experiences been the focus of a documentary film.

The screening will be followed by a Q&A with the director.


Gurbet, Austrian Cultural Forum London

Austrian Cultural Forum London

28 Rutland Gate
London SW7 1PQ


T 020 7225 7300

F 020 7225 7300