Gazelleship Collective Launch

Ticket quantity

You can book a maximum of two tickets per event. If you require more tickets or would like to make a group booking, please contact

Gazelleship Collective Launch

  • Thu 20 Oct 2011
  • 7:00PM

Founded by two emerging young musicians, Jenna Sherry & Prach Boondiskulchok, Gazelleship is a new performance collective that creates unconventional concerts, illuminating music and human experience from intriguing angles. Through a careful development process and compelling artistic insight, Gazelleship brings the audience a rich musical experience that will engage and provoke, speaking equally to the curiosity of musical connoisseurs and new concert-goers alike.

You are invited to join a special event that marks the launch of this exciting new ensemble. The evening will feature excerpts of Gazelleship’s 2011-12 season projects: The Kreutzer Sonata, a musical-dramatic collaboration exploring the three great works of the same title by Beethoven, Tolstoy, and Janáček; Winterreise Retold; and Gazelleship's collaboration with a contemporary composer.

The complete performance of The Kreutzer Sonata will take place at Leighton House Museum at 7 p.m. on 7 October.

Please book online at and for more information visit  

Entry is free, but seating is limited

Please book by 13 October 2011, T 020 7225 7300, E  

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Austrian Cultural Forum London

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London SW7 1PQ


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