Exploring our body from its hidden micro bacteria to its digital incarnations, The Games Europe Plays – BODY<>TECH takes a playful look at how digital technologies are helping us to heal but can also disturb our wellbeing. Presenting the works of interactive artists and game makers from the UK and continental Europe, the show envisions how we will inhabit and take care of our virtual and physical bodies in the future.
Join us this summer in Greenwich to meet A.I. (artificially insane) avatars, enter the whole genome sequencing of bacteria in virtual reality and rebalance yourself through play.
Go on a journey where your body, mind and senses will be guided and confounded. Are you ready to explore the uncanny valley?
With: Anna Dumitriu with Alex May (UK), Ivor Diosi (Czech Republic), Marco Donnarumma (Italy), Blast Theory (UK), Designswarm (UK) and Grendel Games (Netherlands)
The Games Europe Plays is a EUNIC London project, produced by the Finnish Institute and body>data>space. Initiated by the Czech Centre, the project is supported by the British Council and the Arts Council England. It is presented at the Stephen Lawrence Gallery and supported by the University of Greenwich (Department of Creative Professions and Digital Art), in association with Nesta’s FutureFest and London Games Festival. With additional support from the Czech Centre, the Italian Cultural Institute and the Embassy of the Netherlands.
The exhibition is open to the public from 7 July – 26 August 2016: Tuesday-Friday: 11am-5pm. Saturday: 11am-4pm
For more information see: www.greenwichunigalleries.co.uk