Finger Food and More

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Finger Food and More

  • Tue 3 May 2011
  • 7:00PM

Book launch and culinary discussion with chef and author Martina Lessing and radio presenter James Max.

In Finger Food & More, Vienna born Martina Lessing introduces her readers to the art of finger food.  Her book selects from the best of grand Austrian cooking tradition, fusion cuisine as well as Italian and Mediteranian specialities.  Martina will introduce the concept and philosophy of modern Austrian cuisine: how it has its roots in the traditional cuisine of a poor alpine country with little meat, how the sweets epitomised by the famous patisserie Demel have taken place of pride in the Austrian cooking tradition and how modern Austrian cuisine has taken the best of this tradition and blended it with the concepts of the French Nouvelle Cuisine and the ideas of Fusion cooking.

Guests will have the opportunity to sample a selection of Martina's recipies after the launch.

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Austrian Cultural Forum London

28 Rutland Gate
London SW7 1PQ


T 020 7225 7300

F 020 7225 7300