Screen Green!

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Screen Green!

  • Mon 8 Nov 2010
  • 8:30PM

This year EUNIC's documentary festival has selected the theme 'Screen Green!' and will show documentaries which deal with issues connected to the environment and climate change.  The ACF London is participating with a special screening of two short documentary films:

For more information about the festival visit

Screen Green! brings together documentaries from 14 European countries that focus on the ever relevant theme of the environment and humankind's fragile relationship with the natural world. Recent news regarding oil spills, environmental pollution and dwindling natural resources no longer concern just a minority of people but engage entire communities throughout the world.

Screen Green! puts commonplace materials and aspects of our everyday life under scrutiny (PLANEAT, Fish n' Pills, Plastic Planet). It sheds light on pollution and the impact of climate change (Green Line – Urban Transport, Pollution, Climate Chaos in the South) and discusses possible solutions (Selective Waste Collection – From Myths to Reality, The 4th Revolution – EnergyAutonomy, Early Learning). Furthermore Screen Green! presents documentaries that chart the livelihoods of isolated communities and their complex relationship to nature (Gold Futures, The Mirror, The River, Three Men and a Fish Pond, Stop, Look, Listen). Finally French environmentalist, Nicolas Hulot, will address some of the social and political issues that stand in the way of environmental solutions (One). Most screenings will be accompanied by a Q&A session with the filmmakers.

 Screen Green! is a joint project of the EUNIC London cluster (European Union National Institutes for Culture in London), supported by the European Commission Representation in the United Kingdom.

A documentary film by Marcin Bortkiewicz

Poland 2009, 37 minutes, English

Mikołaj, an oceanography student, arrives to do his internship at the Marine Station in Hel. Under the watchful eye of Professor Krzysztof Skora, he cares for a newborn seal. The day approaches when the fully-fledged Hel, a wild animal, will have to leave the station. Professor Skora and other members of the scientific team have passed on numerous professional skills to Mikołaj.

Will this knowledge stand him in good stead on the day when feelings come into play?

followed by:

A documentary film by Geert De Belder

Belgium 2009, 53 minutes, Various languages with English sub-titles

Climate Cha os in the South is a not about the science or reasons behind climate change but about the devastating impact that it is already having on many who live in the southern hemisphere.

Featuring interviews with the victims as well as the experts in Africa, Asia and South America, Climate Cha os in the South captures vividly the changes that climate change has wrought not just on the environment but on the lives and livelihoods of millions across three continents. While climate change once looked like a problem of the future, this film demonstrates with absolute clarity that it is a humanitarian catastrophe of the present.

Q & A with Geert De Belder

Climate Chaos in the South

Austrian Cultural Forum London

28 Rutland Gate
London SW7 1PQ


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