On 13 April we kicked off EUNIC London's newest project together with the Czech Centre London - the EUNIC AI Science Café Series.
Aiming to present current and timely topics alongside the proposals for innovative, bold and inspirational solutions to tackle key issues, the series' first talk looked at the ethical impact of the use of artificial intelligence.
Our world increasingly relies on complex automated systems, algorithmic calculations and data. We are surrounded by smart technologies and robots. AI is part of our everyday lives and shapes crucial processes in our society. It recommends us to watch a new television series, provides us with driving instructions, vacuum cleans our floors or decides what grades we get.
But how biased is AI? How can scientist ensure that AI doesn’t disadvantage or negatively impact certain communities or minorities? What legal and ethical framework is necessary to guarantee that the values implemented in robotic systems benefit everyone? And what are the opportunities?
Scroll down to watch the discussion with philosophers & AI experts Charlotte Stix and Dita Malečková and find out more about the ethical challenges and possibilities of AI.
The event was chaired by Erin Young from The Alan Turing Institute.
Charlotte Stix is an experienced technology policy expert with a specialisation in AI governance. She currently pursues a PhD at the Eindhoven University of Technology and serves as Fellow to the Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence (University of Cambridge) and researches the ethics and governance of AI. Most recently, Charlotte was the Coordinator of the European Commission’s High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence.
Dita Malečková studied Philosophy and Information Science at Charles University of Prague, and worked as a lecturer and researcher of contemporary philosophy, visual culture, art and the new media at the New Media Studies Department of the Faculty of Arts, or at the Centre of audiovisual studies of FAMU. She is interested in the artistic and experimental use of technology, especially artificial intelligence, as well as the ethical implications of its use.
Erin Young is a postdoctoral research fellow on the Women in Data Science and AI project at The Alan Turing Institute, the national institute for data science and artificial intelligence. She has a DPhil (PhD) from the University of Oxford, where she studied the socio-technical practices of interdisciplinary research and development projects. Erin is interested in social and ethical implications of technologies, particularly artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning and other data-driven innovations.
EUNIC AI Science Cafe Series 2021:
Artificial Intelligence is the new phenomenon of the 21st century and has evolved out of the realm of science fiction and at best, a few technologically advanced minds and IT professionals, to everyday topics of discussion and one of the key drivers of the future progress of humankind.
The objective of the AI Science Café series, which will consist of presentations and debates by high profile, world acclaimed European and UK experts, is to introduce, present and publicly discuss various topics that impact our professional as well as our personal lives. As AI topics clearly generate more questions than answers, the series will strive to unveil trends and expectations from the inevitable social and technological changes which the future will bring.