The Blue Shield symbol is the equivalent of the Red Cross, for culture and heritage.
It is the protective emblem specified in the 1954 Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict for marking cultural sites to give them protection from attack in the event of armed conflict. Over the years the need for such protection has become increasingly evident, and understanding of what is required - for example, inventories, knowledge dissemination - has improved; the convention was reinforced by a second protocol in 1999. At the same time, national Blue Shield committees are being set up all over the world.
Karl von Habsburg-Lothringen is a founder member of the Austrian National Blue Shield Committee, and president of the international Association of Committees of the Blue Shield. In 2011 he made two visits to Libya, to inspect war damage, accompanied by Dr Hafed Walda of the Centre for Hellenic Studies. In this talk he will present the work of Blue Shield, both in Libya and more generally.
The talk will be followed by a drinks reception.
Venue: K2.31 (JKTL Nash Lecture Theatre): Strand Campus
This event is free to attend, but booking is required via Eventbrite.