Doomed Love: Johanna Lonsky & Iain Farrington

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Doomed Love: Johanna Lonsky & Iain Farrington

  • Tue 30 Mar 2010
  • 7:00PM

For this special evening the Austrian actress Johanna Lonsky and pianist Iain Farrington present works from the Romantic period, including music by Schumann in his bicentenary year, an affectingly valedictory melodrama by Schubert and a rarely performed example of the genre by Wagner, interspersed with virtuoso piano items. Johanna Lonsky and Iain Farrington perform with Counterpoise, a new ensemble of the most sought-after instrumentalists in the UK, which explores the relationship between music, poetry and visual elements, seeking also to develop aspects of narrative and other extra-musical influences.

Photo by Roberto Ferrantini

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Austrian Cultural Forum London

28 Rutland Gate
London SW7 1PQ


T 020 7225 7300

F 020 7225 7300