chamber improvisation

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chamber improvisation

  • Tue 23 Nov 2010
  • 7:30PM

John Butcher, saxophones
Elisabeth Harnik, piano
Dominic Lash, bass

Two groups playing music entirely created in the moment. The saxophonist John Butcher - one of the most inventive virtuosos on the planet - will collaborate for the very first time with Austrian pianist and composer Elisabeth Harnik.  Harnik has also participated in the ACF's Soundings platform for contemporary muisc. From Oxford, bassist Dominic Lash will join them. From a starting point of contrasting histories, energies and aesthetics the three musicians play purely improvised music.

For more information visit or visit the ACF's Soundings page.

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The Red Hedgehog

255-257 Archway Road
London N6 5BS