Face to Face with Brendan Carroll and Joe Horovitz

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Face to Face with Brendan Carroll and Joe Horovitz

  • Thu 15 Oct 2009
  • 7:00PM

The distinguished Austrian-born composer Joseph Horovitz looks back on his long career in conversation with the writer and musicologist Brendan Carroll, including recorded excerpts from his many works. One of the most versatile and popular composers of the post-war era, Joe (as he prefers to be known) came to England from Vienna at the time of the Anschluss. In a busy career of nearly 60 years, he has written music in almost all genres for the concert hall, opera, ballet, oratorio, film, theatre, radio and television. A pupil of Gordon Jacob and Nadia Boulanger, he has been Professor of Composition at the Royal College of Music since 1961, where he is also a Fellow. Much decorated for his exceptional services to art and music, Joseph Horovitz recalls with humour and insight the many famous artists and musicians with whom he has worked and also talks about his personal approach to composition.

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