The Austrian Ambassador, Dr Martin Eichtinger, will unveil a commemorative plaque for the Austrian Centre at their former base, 124 Westbourne Terrace in Paddington. The Austrian Centre was the most important social, cultural and political hub for Austrian exiles from the Nazis.
Opened in 1939, its first President was Sigmund Freud. The Centre housed a library, restaurant, theatre, political cabaret, concert venue and functioned as a publisher, offered advisory services and served as a meeting place for thousands of refugees from Austria. This plaque recognizes the importance of this site and the role it played in the lives of so many Austrian refugees. Following the unveiling at Westbourne Terrace there will be a reception and concert at the ACF London. To find out more and book a ticket to the concert click here.
In cooperation with the Research Centre for German and Austrian Exile Studies who have published a book on the Austrian Centre:
Out of Austria. The Austrian Centre in London in World War II by Marietta Bearman, Charmian Brinson, Richard Dove, Anthony Grenville and Jennifer Taylor ISBN 978 1 84511 475 6 (London: I.B. Tauris; 2007)
Wien - London Hin und Retour: Das Austrian Centre in London 1939 bis 1947 by Marietta Bearman, Charmian Brinson, Richard Dove, Anthony Grenville and Jennifer Taylor German translation by Miha Tavcar ISBN 978 3 7076 0165 7 (Vienna: Czernin; 2004)