ALEA Ensemble

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ALEA Ensemble – London Debut Concert

  • Thu 28 Jun 2012

For their London debut concert the ALEA Ensemble will perform a cross section of four centuries of string music, including a work by the London-born composer Graham Waterhouse, a jazzy piece by ensemble violinist Igmar Jenner, and world premieres by Herbert Blendinger and Gerhard Prasent.

The ALEA-Ensemble was founded in 1988 by the composer and conductor Gerhard Prasent and his wife, the violinist Sigrid Prasent. In this concert they are joined by Igmar Jenner, violin and Tobias Stosiek, cello. During the last two decades the ensemble has worked its way through the most important repertoire of the Baroque, Classical and Romantic style, always with a strong focus on contemporary works by living Austrian composers.

Imported 1600

Austrian Cultural Forum London

28 Rutland Gate
London SW7 1PQ


T 020 7225 7300

F 020 7225 7300