Polemical Austria

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Polemical Austria

  • Fri 21 May 2010

This conference will explore how the concept of ‘Austria’ has evolved and been treated by Austrians. Speakers will contrast the way in which the state has presented itself, how it has been perceived by various social groups, how communists and socialists have used the term, and how the concept fits into the Catholic tradition. Amongst the eminent speakers will be Robert Evans, Regius Professor of History at Oxford University, who will set the historical context on which subsequent discussions will be based.

Imported 1164

Ingeborg Bachmann Centre

University of London
Senate House
Malet Street
London WC1E 7HU


T +44 (0)20 7862 8959

F +44 (0)20 7862 8672

E jane.lewin@sas.ac.uk