2024 William Robson-Scott Travelling Scholarship
Entry deadline: 7 June 2024
Applications are invited for the Robson-Scott Travelling Scholarship, established in memory of Professor W.D. Robson-Scott, Honorary Director of the former Institute of Germanic Studies from 1968 to 1973.
The award is designed to assist research students registered for an MPhil/PhD or equivalent degree at a University in the United Kingdom to travel abroad to carry out research bearing on the languages and literatures of the German-speaking countries, of the Netherlands, or of Scandinavia. The award, currently £500, is not available for attendance or participation at conferences, and must be taken up before submission of thesis. Applications cannot be considered for journeys which will have taken place, or which will commence, before 1 August 2024.
Method of application: Application form which should be sent by email to reach jane.lewin@sas.ac.uk by 7 June 2024. Applicants should arrange for two academic references (one of whom should be a supervisor of the dissertation) to be sent direct to jane.lewin@sas.ac.uk by the closing date. References must be specific to this application and indicate what benefit the trip will have for the research project.
Applicants can expect to be notified of the outcome of the competition by early July .
Further details and application form: https://ilcs.sas.ac.uk/graduate-study/awards-and-prizes