We are excited to host the annual "Österreich Tag", a training day for German teachers and language assistants in the UK, in cooperation with the Association for Language Learning and the and the Culture and Language Programme implemented by the OeAD (Austria’s Agency for Education and Internationalisation) at the Austrian Cultural Forum London.
Whether you have been teaching German for a long time, aiming to integrate different techniques and perspectives into your classroom or simply want to keep up to date, the "Österreich Tag" might be what you were looking for! You will have plenty of opportunities to network with colleagues and stakeholders in the field and take part in exciting collaborative workshops!
This year's theme of the day is student motivation and the work shop day will be led by Lukas Mayrhofer.
More info on the programme and registration here.
Please note, there are only a few places left!
Please note, this year there will also be a special reception at the Austrian Ambassador's Residence for all participants of the "Österreich Tag".
Don't miss this opportunity and registre via the following website link or write an email to kulturundsprache@oead.at.